Booking a family shoot? What to consider

People always think booking a family shoot is more complicated or difficult than it is. Have a quick read of my top tips on booking your shoot to capture those precious memories.

Firstly, the hardest decision is deciding you want a family photoshoot and overcoming all those barriers that stop you - after that, everything else just falls into place, believe it or not. Here the key things you need to consider

  • Time

  • Location

  • How will my children behave

  • How will my husband feel (yep, its true!)

  • What to wear

Not always in this order though!

If you’re here, you know that my style is relaxed and natural - with the emphasis on capturing all the love and fun that you share as a family.

And, if you didn’t know, its worth bearing in mind, that all my packages are offered as complete packages, including a set of digital and print images - so you leave your session knowing that you will be receiving a set of images to put up in your home and share with family.

I aim capture every family dynamic so don’t worry, we will definitely include some ‘mummy and me’ images and off course, sibling photos.

All my sessions include a detailed Preparation Guide, so you arrive for your session fully prepared and know what to expect. We also have a consultation prior to the session so there is lots of opportunity o check that you are ready for it.


A little fun goes a long way



It’s key getting the timing right for your shoot especially if you have a young family…by young, I mean when you still need to place emphasis on routine and naps are still an essential part of the day.

Ensure you book your shoot around your child’s routine so you know they are feeling at their best - and minimising the chance of a meltdown.

I offer sessions throughout the weekends and find that mornings, either after they’ve woken up or had their nap is the optimum time. They’re fresh and ready to play. With very young children, I do offer some flexibility so its not a stressful experience. I know with my own kids that things aren’t always predictable despite the best laid plans so a little flexibility goes a long way.

For older kids, we just need a time when you know they are at their best - and we can do that throughout the day.

I do say don’t book a session if your child has had a Saturday morning full of activities or just ensure they have a chilled couple of hours before starting your session.

The only thing to note is that I generally don’t offer shoots around the middle of the day, especially during the warmer months as the sun can just be too strong, not just for the kiddos but also for photos.

Little South Asian boy running towards the camera in the woods, with his parents in the background out of focus

Burning off all that energy…



You can choose from an outdoor location, to an inhome session or, on some occasions, a studio style option.

I do recommend that you choose a location that is reasonably close to you - it means there is no mad dashing to get somewhere, simply adding to your stress levels.



These are gorgeous sessions - pretty much at any time of year however most families prefer to do these in the warmer months. I have a pile of outdoor spaces that work well for outdoor photography and we can work together to find somewhere that is suitable for you.

Outdoor sessions are great for all ages - including young babies - its just a case of being prepared. All the details for you need are available in my Preparation Guide, which you receive after confirming your shoot.

It’s worth noting, that gardens aren’t always the best option but if this is something you are keen on, we can have a chat about it.

Young south asian boy wearing a white shirt turning back to look at the camera, with an out of focus foliage background

After all that running, it’s not so hard to capture them still…


In home Sessions

Again, these work well for all ages and are particularly popular with younger families - there is no stress of getting anywhere on time and if the kids need a time out, then everything that provides comfort or distraction, is on hand.

They also work well during the colder months and on some occasions, if you want other family members to feature in the images.

We will have a quick conversation at the time of booking just to ensure there is enough space and, if the light isn’t ideal, then I know to bring my lighting set up.

Young Japanese girl laying on bed looking down at her newborn sister, both are wearing soft pink, and the bed and background are white

Sibling love


Studio Sessions

As much as I love the more relaxed outdoor and inhome shoots, studio images are just gorgeous in their simplicity and emphasis on expressions and emotions.

These take place at my dedicated home studio space and are ideal for young families.

Young dark haired girl wearing a colourful floral dress looking at bubbles in a white studio

Bubbles…an easy win with young kids


How will my children behave?

Well… all honesty, I find that with enough time, space, gentleness and patience most children are really well behaved and play along, allowing us to create some really beautiful and memorable images.

My sessions are largely made up of playing and having fun with each other - so its not really about good or bad behaviour. Its more about choosing an optimum time for your shoot. Children are never really put on the spot so there is no need for them to feel shy or be unwilling to cooperate.

Prior to the session, I find out more about your family so if there is any awkwardness or shyness, I have a few things up my sleeve to get them relaxed and comfortable. And, if your children are very active - rest assured, I have been well-trained by 2 teenage sons so running around, climbing and getting flat on my tummy are all par for the course. And, believe me, there is nothing, nothing (!) I haven’t already seen when it comes to behvaviour.

In all sessions, I aim to capture every family combination so there is definitely time for each child to have some time away from the camera and have a few moments to themselves, either for a time out or a snack.

South Asian family of three, with young boy sitting on his parents lap in the garden, all 3 are smiling at the camera

With a little freedom, kids play along really well


How will my husband feel?

Okay, I am being a little stereotypical here - but generally I find husbands tend to be a little more reluctant to take part in photoshoots.

Why? I have no idea! Perhaps its because weekends are for relaxing and chilling - and not tramping around getting photos done. So, rest assured, my sessions are relaxed and playful - and many of my clients do enjoy the fact that they have spent an hour playing and bonding with their children.

Many Dads walk away from a session saying they enjoyed it! And it was a lot more fun than expected.

Prior to the shoot, I do aim to learn a little about all of you as a family so you do feel as relaxed and comfortable as possible when we start.

And, if both Mum and Dad are willing - I always take a handful of photos of them as a couple. For so many coupes its the first time they have had professional images since their wedding and it can be a lovely way to record your own journey as a couple.

South Asian man sitting with his son on his lap on a wooden platform by a stream with a small wooden bridge in the background

Funnily enough, we even find some quiet time…


What to wear

Once you’ve confirmed your shoot, you receive a detailed Prep Guide to help you get ready for your session.

There is lots in there on what to wear - and what not wear! I am sorry to say, there is no need to go out and buy a new wardrobe…but don’t worry, I won’t tell if you don’t!

(It also includes some ideas on what is worth bringing along to the session, just to ensure your children remain relaxed and happy through out.)

South Asian woman wearing a blue shirt hugging her young son who is looking directly at the camera against some bushes

Keeping it coordinated


So, all in all, you just need to find a good time for your family and leave the rest with me.

If you want to create a set of beautiful images of you and your family, for your home, for the grandparents and quite simply for. yourself, so you can look back and remember the joy of these days….then get in touch and lets chat.

Drop me a line and I will send my Family Welcome Pack to you.


You and me babe, how about it?


Mini sessions - what’s it all about?