3 reasons to invest in Branding photography

Are you planning the year ahead? Where does brand photography sit in your list of priorities? Great brand photography can assist your marketing strategy no end.

It’s that time of year where we’re all planning and prepping for the year ahead and we’re getting our marketing strategy in place. From creating content to planning promotions, its all systems go. And, brand photography …where does that sit in your list of priorities.

Believe it or not, it should sit pretty high up in your list…are you promoting yourself on social media? Yes, you are, of course you and in that world of imagery, where does yours sit? Hopefully it’s not just a case of a handful of selfies or when your friend or partner snapped a quick pic on a good day.

Great images help tell your story - who you are, what you do, what makes you and your approach unique. Have a read - 3 great reasons as to why you should have professionally created brand images.

South Asian woman wearing a white blouse with tumbling brown hair standing by purple foliage

Kuljeet, from Uzuri Aesthetics - we chose a beautiful and understated part of London that reflects her high end skin products offering


First impressions count

We process images 60,000 times faster than we process text…and a great image does the talking for you. Great visuals across all your marketing platforms, from blogs to social media to email helps you speak to your customer more effectively and efficiently. A well constructed image helps in clearly communicating not just your offering but you and your personality.


Strageic, thoughtful images mean you don’t have to say so much…your pictures do all the talking. It also gives you a break from writing long Instagram captions as your images provide the story. The use of emotion, props, colour, composition and location help you tell your story.

South Asian woman wearing long beige coat peeping out of an autumn inspired foliage arch

Gurjinder, The Magnetic Marketer, showing up just like she advises her clients


Let’s get personal

People want to know who you are! They want to work with or buy from an individual they can connect with – and a series of images of you helps them to know, like and trust you.


Well-crafted images allow you to share the story of you and your business, from what you do to how you do it.

Quite often clients don’t always realise the work and time that it takes to create your product or service – so give them a glimpse behind the scenes. An indication of the level and care that goes into your work can also justiy your pricing.

Why do you think so many photographers talk about editing – its an essential and time consuming part of the process but generally doesn’t figure in a potential clients’ mind when they’re looking at your prices. Don’t forget to include all the elements of the package or service that your client is buying from you.

And,  off duty pics are always a great way of really allowing your ideal audience to get more of a feel for you especially if it you have a service based offering.


Margaret Nicholls, a copywriter and PR expert


Elevate your brand

Beautiful images will really elevate the look and feel of your social media channels and website. Would you trust a brand that had blurry or dark images? Or only had selfies? Or, not even personal photos? Nope, me neither. High quality images simply adds legitimacy to your online presence.


Creating a set of images that speak about your business allows you to be consistent across your channels and allows you to be memorable online. High end images will only serve to attract the kind of customer you are looking for and create trust in what you do.

South Asian woman wearing a bright orange jacket holding a coffee cup walking down the street

Anoli Mehta, founder at Circular Threads


And, off course, it means you’re not scrabbling around, at the 11th hour, wondering what to post as you have invested in a bank of images strategically created to talk about you and your business online.


So, there you have it – and if your next thought is where do I start, then go right here. And, I would be delighted to share with you my Personal Branding Welcome Guide and we can also schedule in a Discovery Call.

Let’s chat


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